Sunday, May 26, 2019

Stream of consciousness for Frankenstein’s monster

One heart, was adequately strong to withstand the pain, the pressure, the grief. Inside hatred, vengeance, and long nights with only me, a candle and a bottle of wine. Alone again, you and l. Edited the way you enshrouded my companion, under your white sheets, as if she never lived. She was alive- until that cruel and ruthless Elizabeth destroyed her, without humanity. So I wasnt able to progress to this, It was too much I roared, I raged, with all my might Then I got my renewable Revenge Revenge Renewable Hal Hal Hal SelfishSelflessnesss You didnt think about me, did you? You left me, without asking what I thought about it. You didnt ask me if I would be alright without you. You wont understand, how I felt. Would you? The years I bore the anguish, the years I eve suffered pain, I was helpless, hopeless, I felt the shame. All I wanted was a companion, love and comfort, thats all. Then, I would have left you alone -Oh years ago, of course, I would have went to the wilderness, and ma ny other places, to explore the world. And I am not alright. Im hurt. I am wounded, the people see me and they run away reified.In horror, in disgust. When I try to talk to them, they betray me. My heart cries out In sorrow and agonizing pain. How easy It would be to let me take It. To close my eyes, to give up. It Is plentiful I have had ENOUGH Im sorry, I II have to die, Fraternities. Alone again, you and l. hated the way you enshrouded my companion, under your it was too much Then I got my rearrange Revenge Revenge

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